Tuesday, August 17, 2010

eat, pray, and love the movie.

Well, I might as well explain my absence... getting the gumption to blog can sometimes be rather challenging! It takes so much time, and often, I get discouraged when there are no comments or followers.

However, here are some photos from the movie. I must admit, I was a bit upset with Julia Roberts playing Elizabeth Gilbert. She surprised me though, with a rather great performance. The clothes and scenery were absolutely gorgeous in this movie.

Eat Pray Love Movie Pictures, Images and Photos

Cool case
Love Bouquet

Saturday, August 7, 2010

long time, no speak!

Heylow everybody:)
While listening to Shakira's most recent C.D., I am waiting for the parents so we can go to a farmer's market. Here is my outfit from yesterday:
I just love the color of this dress on me, but I don't think I actually like that color in reality.
Hope everyone is doing wonderfully:)


Monday, August 2, 2010

About Me

My photo
Hellloo there:] While trying to come up with a clever way to start my About Me, I am watching Gilmore Girls with my mother. Both Lorelai's remind me of my mother in that we drink copious amounts of coffee. However, I find that sometimes I don't quite crave it as much.
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