Tuesday, July 20, 2010

vacation day 2

Oh man, today was absolutely fabuloso.
This morning was actually spent SLEEPING in, a thing I rarely ever, ever do. However, it was so dark from the lack of natural light coming into the hotel room, that I was not able to be woken up like normal from the sun's shining rays.

Mom and I watched Nights in Rodanthe, which was actually a pretty good movie.

We went to a thrift store not too far from the hotel, and it was the absolute BEST thrift store ever haha. It was extremely low-priced, and it had pretty nice clothes.

I also had an AMAZING iced coffee from McDonald's. ha. I think it made my day. Who else likey them?

Later, came dinner at a WONDERFUL Asian food place. I had a Guam something or other with chicken. It was a noodle soup, and it was absolutely the most wonderful thing ever.

Went to UO for the first time in forever, too!

Here's pictures now ehhee

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About Me

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Hellloo there:] While trying to come up with a clever way to start my About Me, I am watching Gilmore Girls with my mother. Both Lorelai's remind me of my mother in that we drink copious amounts of coffee. However, I find that sometimes I don't quite crave it as much.
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