Friday, July 9, 2010

Ye Olde Towne

I heard that you can tell a difference between somewhere aunthentically old if the name has an "e" on the end. For example, if a candy store is named "The Sweet Shoppe", it is not an actual old place. I don't know-- my brother told me that.

Anyways, yesterday was a lovely day full of various adventures. My favorite photo is probably the boots. I did not buy them, but they looked so lovely. I wanted them bad.

Isn't this necklace nifty?
Chiles hanging in un mercado.
Love this.
Zee boots.

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About Me

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Hellloo there:] While trying to come up with a clever way to start my About Me, I am watching Gilmore Girls with my mother. Both Lorelai's remind me of my mother in that we drink copious amounts of coffee. However, I find that sometimes I don't quite crave it as much.
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